Value Added Services

Global Sourcing

Global Sourcing

We source products through established relationships with domestic and international suppliers. We continuously source for new relationships with factories around the world. Our team will meet with you to collaborate and analyse your project to create the best possible solution.

Private Labling

Private Label

Dorfin offers resources to create personal concepts for our clients based on their specifications, so our clients receive made-to-order solutions. Once sourced and customized, our art house will design the packaging for your private label or brand.

Green Planet

Single-use Plastic Alternatives

At Dorfin, we are committed to offering our valued clients eco-responsible products. We work with our vast network of suppliers to source alternative eco-friendly solutions for the food service industry and for retailers around Canada.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Services

Utilizing our knowledge and experience, we developed a program called Fusion solution; a program that consolidates the purchasing of packaging, sanitation and shipping supplies through a single purchase

Contact Our Team of Experts

Get in touch with a member of our team. We’ll help you find the right products and solutions for your business.